mandag den 30. januar 2012

Green revolution: making eco-efficiency a driver for growth

Ny rapport fra European Policy Centre - en uafhængig tænketank, der gennem dens oplæg og analyser leverer beslutningsargumenter for Europas politikere.Her er et par uddrag fra forordet og beskrivelserne af deres 'projekt'

Europe needs a project that can help to
reconnect European policymakers and citizens behind a common goal.
A project that can re-stimulate interest in European integration and
the internal market. A project that can boost Europeans’ welfare and
well-being. A project that can provide a much-needed source of new
growth and an exit from the economic crisis.
Creating an eco-efficient Europe has the potential to become that
The economic crisis poses tremendous challenges for Europe and it is well-acknowledged that in order to exit the crisis, Europe must find ways to renew itself. It needs new sources of growth. This Issue Paper, written by Annika Ahtonen with Serban Chiorean-Sime, argues that eco-efficiency should and could be an important part of the solution, and the EU cannot afford to wait. Using resources more efficiently throughout our economy, recognising their value as the basis of well-being and economic growth, and developing and taking into use resource-efficient, low-carbon products and services are the foundation for a more sustainable economy. Eco-efficiency can boost businesses’ productivity and competitiveness on the global market. It can help the public sector to improve its finances. It can bring significant gains for European citizens, ranging from jobs to health benefits. It can stimulate interest in the European project. And it can help to deepen the internal market, which is Europe's main driver of competitiveness, security of supply and sustainability. Eco-efficiency has the potential to become the next European success story, while helping to deliver the Europe 2020 strategys objectives of driving smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.

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