På hjemmesiden eco-innovation observatory gives en oversigt over "rigets status", heriblandt Danmark, hvor der gives tre eksempler: 1) genanvendelse af dæk 2) Renere diesel 3) Klorinfri svømning. Godt nok er der ikke tale om Cradle to Cradle specifikke tiltag, men tiltagene er skridt i en rigtigere miljømæssig retning med stort forretningspotentiale.
Denmark is one of the eco-innovation leaders in the EU. It ranks second in the 2010 Eco-Innovation Scoreboard. Its performance is exceptionally high in eco-innovation inputs such as R&D personnel and allocation; activities, especially in resource efficiency targeted innovations; and outputs, capturing eco-patents statistics. Denmark is one of the leading exporters of environmental solutions and technology; its R&D investments boosted eco-innovations in air, water, waste, energy, clean transport areas. A number of sectors have been identified as areas of high potential for future eco-innovations; among those are shipping, bio-technology, and industrial symbiosis. In Denmark a wide range of public Institutions are involved in supporting eco-innovation, either through policy-making (setting standards, strategies, programmes), or though direct funding or co-financing programmes for development and demonstration of new technologies, green business scheme, etc.
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